Parker County - Churches
Crossing Fellowship Community Church
Crossing Fellowship Community Church
120 E. Main St.
Azle, TX 76020
Phone: 817-406-4577
Website: Crossing Fellowship Community Church
Service Times
One of our primary beliefs is that we know there are “No Perfect People” in this world. We endeavor to introduce Real People who have Real Lives to a Real God so they can have Real Change.
Service Times
Sunday Morning Breakfast and Fellowship 10:30am
Worship & Service Sunday 11:00am
Wednesday Life groups 7:00pm
Bible Study 2nd Saturday of every month call for details or visit our website
Pastor Corey Wynns invites you to come worship where everyone is welcome. We are a multicultural group of people coming together in relaxed, open welcoming gatherings. If you are a Christian or want to know more about becoming one, please come visit us.
New Life Fellowship Church
128 College Park Drive
P. O. Box 58 (Mailing)
Weatherford, TX 76086
Phone: 817-819-3821
Service Times
Sunday: Bible Study 9:00 AM
Sunday: Worship Service 10:30 AM
Wednesday: Small Group 6:30 PM
Pastor Dean Suedmeyer, Senior Pastor, is your WBWCT contacts at New Life Fellowship, they would love to have you come worship with them.
Pastor Dean can be reached at 817-819-3821.
As the primary teaching pastor, has a passion for carefully unpacking the truths of Scripture. He, with wife Deanna, has served as a Pastor for ten years. They have a passionate heart for outreach in this community.
The Church at Azle
1801 S. Steward St.
Azle, TX 76020
Phone: 817-444-9973
Service Times
Sunday: Worship Service 10am, 11:30am
Wednesday: Worship Service 7pm
The Church at Azle is not your normal church setting. We desire to love those that feel no one cares or that don’t believe they deserve love. We want to help those that need healing. We want to show compassion to those that are less fortunate than others. This is a place where people can meet Jesus, and engage in a life-giving community, and everyone is welcome. We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts, and use them for God’s glory. Join us Sunday or Wednesday.
Iron Faith Biker Church
1010 South Bowie Dr.
Weatherford, TX 76086
Phone: 682-382-8586
Service Times
Sunday: 5pm
Encounter God together! We believe in doing life together, so we can grow closer to God and Help.
Our welcome team are Harry and Katherine, ask for them when you come visit!
Playground at Church
New Hope Baptist Church
782 New Hope Rd.
Boyd, TX 76023
James (Jim) R. Edwards, Pastor
Service Times
Please call or check our website for current times.
Brother Edwards and New Hope Baptist Church would love for you to come worship with them. You may reach him at 817-221-2184
Playground at Church
South Main Church of Christ
201 South Main St.
Weatherford, TX 76086
James (Jim) R. Edwards, Pastor
Service Times
Sunday: Bible Classes 9:30am
Sunday: Worship Service 10:30am
Wednesday: Dinner 6pm, Bible Classes 7pm
South Main Church of Christ is committed to loving people, pointing them to Jesus, building unity, and focusing on the Word of God. If you’re looking for a church home, we would love to get to know you. Please join us this Sunday.
Playground at Church
Victory Baptist Church
1311 East Bankhead Highway
Weatherford, TX 76086
Pastor: Rob Catuto
Service Times
Sunday School: Sunday, 9:30am
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:30am & 6:00pm
Bible Study: Wednesday, 7pm
Kim Wilkinson, church secretary would love to match you up with a contact person. Just give her a call at the church office: 817-596-8728
Playground at Church
Trinity Bible Church
4936 E I-20 Service Road South
Willow Park, TX 76087
Service Times
Please call or check the website for current service and Sunday School times
Randy and Inge are your WBWCT contacts at Trinity Bible, they would love to have you come worship with them. Randy and Inge can be reached at: 707-771-1173 or 682-327-8437. They would love to have you come worship with them.
Playground at Church
Waterhouse Church
1010 South Bowie Dr.
Weatherford, TX 76086
Service Times
Please call or check the website for current service and Sunday School times.
Mission Statement:
Our vision is for people to be filled by Jesus and then pour out His life giving spirit into the world.
Pastor Neill Rowe invites you to come worship with us. We also have Children and Youth, Young Adult, Women’s and Men’s ministries; and small groups.
Playground at Church